Beach Soccer Event
Rio Beach soccer event:-
Espionage vs Rio : 0-1
RIO vs LLRC B : 0-1
LLRC A vs RIO : 2-0
Sulan(ABDB) vs RIO : 3-1
RIO vs Bosfoc : 4-2
Espionage vs Rio : 0-1
RIO vs LLRC B : 0-1
LLRC A vs RIO : 2-0
Sulan(ABDB) vs RIO : 3-1
RIO vs Bosfoc : 4-2
Water Soccer Event
Water soccer Knockout event:-
Espionage vs Rio : 0-3(Quater-final)
Sulan(ABDB) vs RIO : 1-2(semi-final)
FAmily Utd vs RIO : 1-5(Final)
Since Rio champion dlm Water soccer tournament Team Rio akan bermain lagi on 7th June perlawanan untuk semua juara event seperti juara dlm beach, water, 5-side dan street untuk merabuti sapa kah akan mendapat Grand Price. so on 7th june atu semua team juara2 tersebut akan bermain satu event saja iaitu Water soccer event. so BIG Advantage bagi pasukan RIO k Gudluck untuk Pasukan RIO. All the best!!!!
Coming up for the next post who will be the Man of the match throughtout the event.. k stay cute guys...
Coming up for the next post who will be the Man of the match throughtout the event.. k stay cute guys...
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